Barbara Batumbya Nalukowe, Jianguo Liu, Wiedmer Damien,Tomasz Lukawski, Life Cycle Assessment of a Wind Turbine, 22 May 2006 ...... In fact, no, I' ve never owned a car, never owned real estate. And I'm no spring chicken. You say you help people... but you've scared the hell out of them first. Sort of like a hell-fire preacher who offers sweet Jesus as a balm for the weary sinner. ...
Barbara Batumbya Nalukowe, Jianguo Liu, Wiedmer Damien,Tomasz bLukawski/b, Life Cycle Assessment of a Wind Turbine, 22 May 2006 - steel: 92 MT/MW b....../b No inhabited structure can be within the falling radius of a WT and bvacation/b cabins are eliminating many potential sites. So, for a given resource, the % of wind that can be captured is inversely proportional to population density. ...